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作者:   来源:      发布日期:2021年06月12日 08:14   浏览:

张先亮,1985年生,山东菏泽人,中共党员,河北农业大学校聘教授,博士,博士生导师,河北农业大学太行学者第三层次,学科高峰人才,哈佛大学、北京大学访问学者,中国地理学会树轮分会委员会委员。主要从事气候变化对中国北方森林生态系统中树木生长及森林分布动态的影响等研究,主持国家自然科学基金1项,其他省市级基金3项。目前在Nature Communications, Global Change Biology, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Journal of Climate等国际著名生态学、林学及气候学期刊上发表论文以第一作者/通讯作者发表论文38篇(中国科学院分区一区论文12篇)。研究成果受到国内外同行关注,关于兴安落叶松的研究成果被美国地球物理学会(AGU)新闻报道,关于樟子松的研究成果被中国科学报报道。担任SCI期刊Frontiers in Forests and Global Change的Review Editor及Guest Editor, Forests期刊的Guest Editor,《火博体育》青年编委及《火博体育》编委。



2017/09-2018/09,哈佛大学,访问学者,合作导师:Neil Pederson


















2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,41601045,快速升温对东北地区樟子松生长响应差异的影响研究,2017/01-2019/12,20万元,已结题,主持

3、河北农业大学引进人才项目,YJ201918, 2019/02-2023/12, 50万元,在研,主持

4、河北省高等学校青年拔尖人才项目,BJ202025, 燕山山区森林稳定性评估及恢复潜力,2020/01-2022/06, 9万元,已结题,主持



[38]Zhang, X., Liu, H.*, & Rademacher, T. (2024). Higher latewood to earlywood ratio increases resistance of radial growth to severe droughts in larch.Science of The Total Environment, 912. (中国科学院一区,IF=9.8,科普文章:http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/D1y576Co_d6CYLcAsqFgLw)


[37]Zhang, X., Rademacher, T., Liu, H., Wang, L., & Manzanedo, R. D. (2023). Fading regulation of diurnal temperature ranges on drought-induced growth loss for drought-tolerant tree species.Nature Communications,14(1), 6916. doi:10.1038/s41467-023-42654-z(Nature子刊,IF=16.6,科普文章:http://www.ecology.pku.edu.cn/index/news_cont/id/1410.html)

[36]董一博,解萍萍,刘洋,孙冰喆, &张先亮*. 2023.太岳山不同年龄油松早材树脂道面积 对气候变化的响应.应用生态学报34.

[35]解萍萍,张博奕,董一博,吕鹏程,杜明超,张先亮*. 2023.华北落叶松和白杄径向生长对干旱的生态弹性差异.应用生态学报34.

[34] D’Orangeville L, St-Laurent M-H, Boisvert-Marsh L,Zhang X,Bastille-Rousseau G & Itter M. Current symptoms of climate change on trees and wildlife of the boreal forest. In: Boreal forests in the face of climate change: Sustainable management. 2023. Springer.


[33]Zhang, X., Yu, P., Wang, D., Xu, Z., 2022. Density- and age- dependent influences of droughts and intrinsic water use efficiency on growth in temperate plantations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 325.

[32]Zhang, X.,Manzanedo, R.D., Lv, P., Xu, C., Hou, M., Huang, X., Rademacher, T., 2022. Reduced diurnal temperature range mitigates drought impacts on larch tree growth in North China. Science of The Total Environment 848.

[31] Lv, P., Rademacher, T., Huang, X., Zhang, B.,Zhang, X., 2022. Prolonged drought duration, not intensity, reduces growth recovery and prevents compensatory growth of oak trees. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 326.

[30] Li, W., Yue, F., Wang, C., Liao, J.,Zhang, X.,2022. Climatic influences on intra-annual stem variation of Larix principis-rupprechtii in a semi-arid region. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change.

[29] Xu, C.,Zhang, X., Hernandez-Clemente, R., Lu, W., Manzanedo, R.D., 2022. Global Forest Types Based on Climatic and Vegetation Data. Sustainability 14, 634.

[28]汪椿凯,黄选瑞,李雪,姜雨,王小雪,张先亮*.2022.不同林分类型林缘华北落叶松细胞特征.应用生态学报. 33 (5): 1191-1198.


[27].Zhang X*,Lv P, Xu C, Huang X, Rademacher T (2021) Dryness decreases average growth rate and increases drought sensitivity of Mongolia oak trees in North China.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,308-309, 108611.http://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108611(科普文章:栎树也怕旱http://wap.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=260773&do=blog&id=1301568)(1区,IF=5.7)

[26].Zhang X*, Li X, Rubén DMet al.(2021) High risk of growth cessation of planted larch under extreme drought.Environmental Research Letters.16 014040http://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/abd214(科普文章:人工林干旱危机http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-260773-1261947.html)(2区,IF=6.8)

[25].Xu C, Hou M, Yan X,Zhang X*(2021) Temporal variability of seasonal warming rates in China.International Journal of Climatology,41, E1597-E1607.http://doi.org/10.1002/joc.6793(科普文章:中国变暖速率研究http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-260773-1249780.html)(2区,IF=4.0)

[24].Zhang X*, Manzanedo RD, Xu C, Hou M, Huang X (2021) How to select climate data for calculating growth-climate correlation.Trees,35, 1199-1206.http://doi.org/10.1007/s00468-021-02108-9(2区,IF=2.2)



[22].Zhang X*, Li J, Liu X, Chen Z* (2020) Improved EEMD-based standardization method for developing long tree-ring chronologies.Journal of ForestryResearch,31, 2217-2224.DOI: 10.1007/s11676-019-01002-y(3区,IF=1.8)


[21].Zhang X*, Manzanedo RD, D'orangeville Let al.(2019) Snowmelt and early to mid-growing season water availability augment tree growth during rapid warming in southern Asian boreal forests.Global Change Biology,25, 3462-3471.http://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14749(该文章的研究结果被中国科学报报道,http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2019/7/428230.shtm)(1区,IF=10.1)

[20].Zhang X*, Bai X, Hou M, Chen Z*, Manzanedo RD (2019) Warmer winter ground temperatures trigger rapid growth of dahurian larch in the permafrost forests of northeast China.Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,124, 1088-1097.DOI: 10.1029/2018JG004882 (该文章被AGU新闻报道,报道链接:http://news.agu.org/press-release/climate-change-is-giving-old-trees-a-growth-spurt/,科普文章:http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-260773-1167162.html)

[19].Zhang X*,Huang X (2019) Human disturbance caused stronger influences on global vegetation change than climate change.PeerJ,7, e7763.


[18].Zhang X,Bai X, Hou M, Chang Y, Chen Z*(2018) Reconstruction of the regional summer ground surface temperature in the permafrost region of Northeast China from 1587 to 2008. Climatic Change, 1-13.(2区, IF=4.168)

[17].Zhang X,Yan X*(2018) Criteria to evaluate the validity of multi‐model ensemble methods. International Journal of Climatology,38, 3432-3438.DOI:10.1002/joc.5486(2区,IF=3.601)


[16].Zhang X,Zou F, Chen Z*(2017) Climate-Induced Tree Growth Variations under the RCP 2.6 Scenario: A Case Study on the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Forests,8, 359. doi:10.3390/f8100359(2区,IF=2.116)

[15].Zhang X*,Xiong Z, Zhang X, Shi Y, Liu J, Shao Q, Yan X*(2017) Simulation of the climatic effects of land use/land cover changes in eastern China using multi-model ensembles. Global and Planetary Change,154, 1-9.(2区,IF=4.1)

[14].Zhang X,Yan X, Chen Z*(2017) Geographic distribution of global climate zones under future scenarios. International Journal of Climatology,37, 4327-4334.(2区,IF=3.601)

[13].Zhang X,Wu S, Yan X*, Chen Z*(2017) A global classification of vegetation based on NDVI, rainfall and temperature. International Journal of Climatology,37, 2318-2324.(2区,IF=3.601)

[12].Zhang X,Chen Z*(2017) A new method to remove the tree growth trend based on ensemble empirical mode decomposition. Trees,31, 405-413.(2区,IF=1.8)


[11].Zhang X, Bai X, Chang Y, Chen Z*(2016) Increased sensitivity of Dahurian larch radial growth to summer temperature with the rapid warming in Northeast China. Trees,30, 1799-1806.(2区,IF=1.8)

[10].Zhang X,Yan X, Chen Z*(2016) Reconstructed Regional Mean Climate with Bayesian Model Averaging: A Case Study for Temperature Reconstruction in the Yunnan–Guizhou Plateau, China. Journal of Climate,29, 5355-5361.(1区,IF=4.805)

[9].Zhang X*, Yan X* (2016) Deficiencies in the simulation of the geographic distribution of climate types by global climate models.Climate dynamics,46, 2749-2757.(1区,IF=4.048)

[8].Zhang X,Xiong Z, Zhang X, Shi Y, Liu J, Shao Q, Yan X* (2016) Using multi-model ensembles to improve the simulated effects of land use/cover change on temperature: A case study over northeast China.Climate dynamics,46, 765-778.(1区,IF=4.048)


[7].Zhang X*, Yan X (2015) A new statistical precipitation downscaling method with Bayesian model averaging: a case study in China.Climate dynamics,45, 2541-2555.(1区,IF=4.048)


[6].Zhang X*, Yan X (2014) Spatiotemporal change in geographical distribution of global climate types in the context of climate warming.Climate dynamics,43, 595-605.(1区,IF=4.048)

[5].Zhang X*, Yan X (2014) A novel method to improve temperature simulations of general circulation models based on ensemble empirical mode decomposition and its application to multi-model ensembles.Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography,66, 24846.(3区,IF=2.0)

[4].Zhang X*,Yan X (2014) Temporal change of climate zones in China in the context of climate warming.Theoretical and applied climatology,115, 167-175.(3区,IF=2.7)

[3].Zhang X*,He X, Li Jet al.(2011) Temperature reconstruction (1750–2008) from Dahurian larch tree-rings in an area subject to permafrost in Inner Mongolia, Northeast China.Climate Research,47, 151-159.(3区,IF=1.984)

[2].张先亮,何兴元,陈振举*,崔明星,黎娜,陈玮. 2011.大兴安岭山地樟子松径向生长对气候变暖的响应———以满归地区为例.应用生态学报.22(12):3101-3108.

[1].张先亮,崔明星,马艳军,吴涛,陈振举*,丁玮航. 2010.大兴安岭库都尔地区兴安落叶松年轮宽度年表及其与气候变化的关系.应用生态学报.21(10): 2501-2507.










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